COPD – Further Down The Line

When I first started my msn space, I was shy and a real novice with regard to its content and look.  I have gained a bit more knowledge thanks to the number of good friends I have made through msn spaces.  I have a long way to go with the technical side but that does not worry me too much.  My reason for starting a space in the first place was to help those suffering from COPD gain a better understanding of the illness , also help them find ways of improving their quality of life and give them hope for the future.
This time of year proves very difficult for sufferers of this progressive illness, affecting them emotionally, physically and mentally.  So I thought I would add some more pointers in this blog and let everyone else do their usual Christmas decorative wonders, they are better than me at that sort of thing
Not that I want to put a damper on the Christmas spirit, not at all, infact, quite the opposite.  I am still keeping my theme going on HOPE RESTORED, sorry if It bores others, but it could help towards a better Christmas for some COPD sufferers and their families.  If you know anyone with this illness, just copy my space link and you have my permission to copy anything you read, including pictures, if you feel it is going to help someone somewhere have a better outlook on their life.
The next part I cannot take credit for but can pass it on to those  that may find it helpful.  It is written by a member of a group called ;



The following are my thoughts on the importance of addressing the breathing techniques of those of us who have COPD. This aspect of our treatment is, unfortunately and sadly, most highly neglected by our medical community. It deals in general terms and not all aspects of it will apply to all COPD’ers, as we are all different. I have tried to keep it simple, yet provide some of my insights, (Right or wrong!) into our breathing distresses.

For normal people, breathing is as easy as inhaling and exhaling, without consciously giving their breathing any thought at all. For the vast majority of us with COPD, breathing can sometimes be an adventure, and for some of us, most of the time it is an adventure. It is my belief, that anyone who deals in the care of COPD’ers in their later stages should try a little experiment as suggested by Dr. Rick Hodder, a noted Canadian respirologist, in his book, “Every Breath I Take “ A guide to living with COPD. Quote: “Take in a deep breath but don’t exhale. Take in another and another. You’re hyper inflated. Hold it! Now run upstairs. You’ll soon appreciate what it feels like to have COPD or asthma."

We as COPDers have to deal with our breathing on so many levels:

(1). The psychology of breathing – How stress and anxiety affect our breathing.
(2). Dealing with Shortness of Breath (SOB)
(3). Learning to pursed-lip breathe (PLB).
(4). How we breathe. Are we shallow breathers or diaphragm breathers?
(5). Inspiration. (Inhaling)
(6). Learning to exhale properly.
(7). Learning to relax our auxiliary breathing muscles
(8). Learning to pace ourselves so we dont become (SOB).
(9). The importance of proper nutrition and proper exercise in combating SOB
(10). Pulmonary Rehab

Why do we become short of breath? In a nutshell, and simplified, in most of us COPDers, our DLCO or diffusion rate is compromised so that our lungs are no longer able to efficiently exchange O2 and CO2. The O2 in our blood starts to drop and the CO2 level increases. Our brain signals our lungs and heart to speed up and try to get our level back in balance. We then become short winded. Then anxiety kicks in. When we become anxious, our body releases adrenaline which causes our heart to beat faster. The brain then tells the lungs that the heart is working harder and needs more oxygen. So we start to breathe faster and harder. The brain then tells the heart that the lungs need more blood to process, and so the heart starts to beat faster again. And so on, and so on, until we are Short Of Breath. We are then hyperventilating, breathing too fast and too shallow.

What is Pursed Lip Breathing (PLB)?  PLB is the first line of defense used by most COPDers when trying to recover from shortness of breath. It involves breathing in through the nose and exhaling with the lips pursed as if you were going to whistle. How hard do you blow out? I find that blowing out with the same force that you would use to cool hot soup on a spoon to be the perfect force. Blow hard enough to cool it but not hard enough to blow it off the spoon. Many sites advocate blow like you were blowing out a candle, but I find that if I simulate blowing out a candle, I tend to puff, instead of a slow exhale and I tend to exhale with too much force and find it harder to relax. How does PLB help? When we PLB properly we create a back pressure in the mouth and throat and this back pressure actually blows the airways open. Now that we can breathe in easier we have to concentrate and breathe out for at least 4 seconds or longer if possible. This helps expel CO2 and trapped air and we begin to breathe easier yet. I have been trying something for the last month or so that helps me. It may not help everybody. After I exhale for four seconds or more, I pause and let the body inhale naturally. The reason I pause is two-fold. First of all, it tells me that I am regaining control of my breathing, which allows me to relax easier and secondly, I find that if I consciously try to inhale right away, I will invariably gasp. When I inhale naturally, I make sure I do not try to top off the air already in my lungs.

Topping-off is when we inhale once and then inhale again before we exhale. This will cause you to use your auxiliary breathing muscles in your shoulders and neck. This will in turn cause you to expend more energy and use up more oxygen. Also with the pausing after exhaling, I would suspect that it gives the lungs a little more time to exchange gases, (CO & CO2). Now that we are breathing rather easily, the anxiety subsides and all is well in our wonderful little worlds. Practicing these techniques is very important so as to be completely trained on how to recover from being Short Of Breath.

I can’t begin to tell you the difference diaphragm breathing has made in my life. I don’t know when it started but I became a shallow breather (chest breather), not using my diaphragm. If your neck and shoulder muscles are constantly sore after a bout of SOB, then you are a chest breather and you have to learn to diaphragm breathe. About eleven months ago I was having a very hard time, being continually SOB. If I went upstairs to the washroom, even using PLB, it would sometimes take me hour to get my breath back. To make a long story short, I searched the web and learned how to diaphragm breathe and my life turned around 180 degrees! When I go upstairs now I am winded when I reach the top as opposed to severely SOB.

I now know that my last hospital stay for respiratory failure was due mostly from being a shallow breather. I was cleaning out my shed, and because of my low FEV1 (10%) and low DLCO (19%), I would work for 30-40 seconds and then I would have to sit and catch my breath. I would PLB and huff and puff for 3-5 minutes in order to catch my breath. After doing this for a couple of days, 2 or 3 hours a day, I eventually exhausted my breathing muscles to the point that they were not functioning properly and not able to rid my body of CO2. Eventually this caused respiratory acidosis (lowering of blood pH) which led to a very severe exacerbation and respiratory failure. Now that I know how to diaphragm breathe, hopefully, this will never happen again! My next exacerbation will be infection induced! Probably the most aggravating thing to me through all of this, is that I suffered undue breathing hardship for a long, long time because nowhere down the line was my method of breathing ever checked and corrected! I did a lot more panting and sucking for air than I ever had to!

Every COPDer should be individually checked for proper breathing techniques.

Exhaling: A tremendously neglected part of therapy by our medical community! Our problem as COPDers is not getting good air (O2) in, it’s getting bad air (CO2) out. Extending our exhale time helps us on two fronts. First of all, it gives our lungs a much better chance of ridding our bodies of CO2. Secondly, I believe extended exhaling is the main reason that I have been exacerbation free for the last 1 year. I realize the immune system helps, but I was getting pneumonia, probably every three months before I learned to breathe and exhale properly. The more stale air you exhale, the more fresh air you can inhale, which gets deeper into the lungs and does not give all the little creepy crawlies a moist, damp environment in which to multiply.

 Extending our breathing time is not easy because it goes against what our mind is telling us. Our body is telling us to get rid of CO2, but our mind is telling us we need more O2. It’s listening to our mind that causes us to hyperventilate as we gulp for air. The nature of PLB causes us to slow down our exhale as well as opening our airways, but it also restricts the amount of air we can exhale. After 4 or 5 PLB’s we can actually exhale normally. So we should exhale for 4 seconds and then let our lungs refill naturally. That is, do not consciously inhale. I find if I consciously inhale I invariably want to top off my lungs, which increases my O2 input and that is counter-productive. When I was learning to PLB, they all said to breathe in through your nose, although nobody had a definitive answer as to why. Everybody said for added moisture or infection control. I finally found an acceptable answer for myself a few months back. I noticed that when we inhale through our nose, it is very hard to top off the air in our lungs. If we breathe in through our mouth, the tendency is to "top off" our lungs and that is not what we want when we are SOB. So if you mouth breathe, be conscious of topping off.

Relaxing:  If you exhibit any muscle soreness after a bout of SOB, it is probably because you are either over-breathing or not breathing correctly. With a combination of PLB, diaphragm breathing and exhaling for 4 seconds, you should be able to talk yourself into relaxing all those muscles used to breathe. Something I have used sometimes for the last year or so is to start humming a tune. Myself, I hum to “Amazing Grace“. Humming it right it forces me to extend my exhale, take small inhales and gets my mind off of my SOB and allows me to relax. Relaxation is very important.   Pick your own song !!

Exertion causes us to be SOB and as COPDers we have to learn how to pace ourselves to try and cut down on the episodes of SOB. We also have to exercise regularly to keep our muscles as well toned as possible as well-toned muscles use a lot less O2. Pulmonary rehab is highly recommended for all who have not been there.

As a final note, most of us know how important it is for us to address our breathing problems properly. Unfortunately, the medical community has not seen that need, as yet. We have medicinal therapy, physical therapy, nutritional therapy, but no breathing therapy as such. Somehow we have to reach out to the medical community to see how this can be changed. I presently go to three different COPD forums on a regular basis, and it is through these forums that I have developed most of my breathing techniques. Anyone who has COPD should join these forums and learn how to cope with the various aspects of COPD. Many will be surprised how manageable it is. The forums are:

Philip J. Cable
Lower Sackville, N.S.

Permission granted to re-produce
For non-profit distribution.


Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas, and please don’t buy anyone cigarettes as a present, you could be helping them  add to the already number one killer disease in the world




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49 Responses to COPD – Further Down The Line

  1. Unknown says:

    hi, thank you signing my guestbook, i thought your puppy story was so funny, i love it. yes i have been a friend of johnboys for years now,he is a nice guy and very nice to talk to. pat is lovely as well. pop back anytime. have a lovely day. hugs maureen xx

  2. Denise says:

    Had a few minutes and was doing a bit of blog hopping, so I stopped into to say hi.  Hope all is well with you and have a lovely day.  Hugsss

  3. Prenin says:

    Wow! :oO
    I have a friend and T&RA committee member called Helen who suffers shortness of breath due to emphaseyma which she got through smoking.
    She only quit a few months ago, but too late to be of much use I\’m afraid so as I have a headcold I\’ve put myself in quarantine so I don\’t infect her or any other of my ladies.
    Smoking is a killer.
    I lost Mary to Cancer, Bert to Chronic lung disease and Diane to lung Cancer and all were smokers.
    Molly is 78, very active, but smokes even though she has been told not to smoke in the base, so I am passive smoking three days a week.
    My parents were both smokers, but the three of thier sons do not and we are all in good respiritory health.
    Mum quit and hasn\’t had a cigarette in decades, but I have no idea about my dad because he has been effectively disowned by all our extended family apart from my youngest brother who \’forgave\’ his frequent and excessive abuse because it was the Christian thing to do – according to his wife…
    The cigarette firms LIED about the effects and risks of smoking for decades until brought to book, even adding chemicals to make the tobacco more addictive, yet still they sell them and still they target the young because older smokers are dying off.
    When does knowingly supplying a toxic, addictive drug become a crime?
    Answers on a postcard please…

  4. Unknown says:

    hi, just popping back to wish you a great weekend. hugs maureenxxx

  5. Prenin says:

    Hi hun!!!! :o)
    Just checking in to see how you are!!!
    Love and huggles:

  6. Penny says:

    your music  is still working but if you want to change it  its  now  in customise  top  right 
    in your  browser bar  type in this  at end
    then click  go  then hit the customise bar  and go to other  windows  media player is in there

  7. carole says:

    Hi Margaret. Excellent piece on SOB affecting COPD sufferers. I now know more than I did before! Please also be aware the there are community COPD nurse specialists – pester your GP for a referral if you feel that you need more help. These specialist posts are being cut because of the NHS cutbacks so use them or lose them!
    By the way, you\’ve been tagged! Visit my space to find out more.x

  8. Denise says:

    *love* *love**love* *love* *love* *love*you*love* *love*you*love* *love*you*love* ……*love**you* …*love*…..*love*.*love*………*love* *love*………..*love* *love*………..*love*.*love*………*love* …*love*…..*love* ……*love**you* *love*……………*love*.*love*………….*love*..*love*………..*love* …*love*………*love*….*love*…….*love*…..*love*…..*love* ……*love*…*love* …….*love***you* ……..*love**you* *love**you**love* *love**you**love *love* *love* *love**you**love* *love**you**love* *love**love**love**you**love**love**you**love*Many
    people like to have material things for christmas, luxurious gifts,
    bling -bling and a posh car…My wish for you is love:  LOVE  that is
    honest, strong, mature, never-changing, uplifting, protective,
    encouraging, rewarding and unselfish.Happy Christmas and have a wonderful and healthy New Year.

  9. Penny says:

    Merry Christmas and a happy New Year i hope you get everything you wished for here is my Christmas card to you
    Have a brillaint day

  10. Prenin says:

    Hi Margaret!!!! :o)
    Just dropping by to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! :o)
    Love and huggles always!

  11. Denise says:

    hi stopped in to leave you a little something  hope you have a great day  hugsss

  12. Unknown says:

    am just calling to say thank you so much for my christmas card,  am well happy with it. i hope you have a fantastic christmas. lots of love and hugs maureen xxx

  13. Michael says:

    Hi Margaret,
     Love the story about the little boy and the puppy. So nice.
     I\’ve never heard of COPD before, so that\’s new to me. I do hope it doesn\’t get any worse.
     I mostly wanted to drop by and thank you for the gift.. and to wish you a Merry Christmas. Thanks too for the link to your friends site. Though I don\’t as yet know how to obtain. and therefore give.. gifts back in return. I still have a lot to learn I guess.
     Have a wonderful holiday season!

  14. Prenin says:

    Hi Sweety!!! :o)
    I got this off Willow and thought of you! :o)
    Love and huggles:
    PS: Love came down at Christmas;Love all lovely, love divine;Love was born at Christmas,Stars and angels gave the sign.Unless we make Christmas an occasion to share our blessings, all the snow in Alaska won\’t make it "white".*love**love* *love* *love* *love*you*love* *love*you*love* *love*you*love* ……*love**you* …*love*…..*love*.*love*………*love* *love*………..*love* *love*………..*love*.*love*………*love* …*love*…..*love* ……*love**you* *love*……………*love*.*love*………….*love*..*love*………..*love* …*love*………*love*….*love*…….*love*…..*love*…..*love* ……*love*…*love* …….*love***you* ……..*love**you* *love**you**love* *love**you**love *love* *love* *love**you**love* *love**you**love* *love**love**love**you**love**love**you**love* psssssssssssss: """"If A Fat Guy Grabs U and puts u in a bag, don\’t worry I told Santa i wanted u 4 Christmas!Send this to 10 people u care about including me! SEND THIS TO ALL THE PPL YOU LOVE.INCLUDING MYSELF.  1-3= Not So Loving.. 3-5=Uhh… 5-6=People like you 6-7= People luv you 8-9= DAmn People ADORE you 9-10= YOU\’RE THE BEST! EVERYONE LOVES YOU "

  15. Iris says:

    Hi Margaret,
    That was a good read. I copied it onto notepad for myself.I have tried a cpl of breathing exercises but I get dizzy then I get scared,just over the fact that I even should have to give it a try scares me.Thanks for sharing the info, it will come in handy for me 🙂
    Stopping by to wish you & your family a Very Merry Christmas and much peace love & happiness in \’07.
    ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨. \’ ¨\’ ..¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨\’¨¨/\\.¨¨\’¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨+¨\’ || \’ ¨+ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨.|\\ || /| ¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨\’ -¨\\\\||// . – \’.¨¨¨-= <>>>>*<<<<> =-¨¨¨¨¨¨¨. – \’ //||\\\\ \’ – .¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨.|/ || \\|¨¨¨¨¨¨¨+¨ .¨|| .¨ +¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ || .¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨\’ .||. \’.¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨\\/¨¨.*\’ " " *.¨*¨¨¨¨¨¨ *¨¨*.,:::,.*¨¨./:(-\\-|¨¨¨__.¨¨|::-=-(¨¨ /.-.\\¨¨.(`::::/-,//¨¨||¨¨/;;\\ ¨|;;;// ¨</¨¨|;;;\\ |;;//\\¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨.*\’ " " *.¨¨|;;;| |_//;|¨¨¨¨¨¨¨.* ¨.—.¨ *¨¨|;;;| (_\\;;|¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨*.|.==;.\\*¨¨|;;;/_/\\/;/¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨|-)-\\::\’.¨¨\\;/-._);|¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨\\=_,\\::.\\¨¨|;\\//|;;|¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨./`_.-`::.\\¨¨|;// |;;|¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨/:_ ::\’ ¨\\::\\¨¨|//| |;;|¨¨¨¨¨. *\’*.¨¨¨|:||`\\_/: |:|¨¨//;| |;;|¨¨¨¨*.__ -.*.¨¨|:\\\\_/:: /:|¨//;;.| |;;|¨¨¨./ .(–).\\`\\¨¨¨\\:`|::: |:.||/.|;;| |;;|¨¨¨/¨ .–.¨ | |¨¨¨¨\\_/\\::/;:.|¨¨|;;| |;;|¨¨./¨ .—. ¨/ /¨¨¨¨¨.)::`"` \\:.¨¨|;;| |;;|¨¨| \\_____/ ./¨¨¨¨/::::. ¨\\:;¨¨|;;| |;;|¨¨|______|/ \\¨¨¨/:::::, ¨/`¨¨|;;| |;;|¨¨\\______/\\_\\¨¨/::::::\’ ¨`;-.¨¨.\’–\’-\’–\’¨¨¨¨\\¨\\/¨¨¨¨¨¨¨|::::::::::..`\\ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨/ ¨\\¨\\¨¨¨¨¨¨\\::::::::::::..\’)¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨/__/\\__\\¨¨¨¨¨¨\’–\’`——\’`
    *hugs* Iris xo

  16. Crazy says:

    Thanx for the giftie sweetheart.
    I love it!

    Sorry about this Generic letter.
    Just trying to get caught up!
    We did make it through the storm and are well.
    I never heard anything like it!
    It pounded us all night for hours!
    Stacy and I were snuggled together in our bedroom, while Grinchy stood night watch.
    Needless to say we didn\’t sleep until it was over.
    The noise was un believable!!!!
    You could hear branches and also sand from the beach blasting the cabin.
    Grinchy always takes good care of us girls and we were in good hands.
    We were without power.
    Then the power came on but no phone!
    So No DSL!
    I kept the phone on speaker so we could hear when it had a dial tone.
    We did get a new PC.
    I forgot what it was like to be able get around spaces….lol
    Its so easy now!
    No freezing!
    Here is a giftie for ya …
    Big Time Hugs to ya sweets.
    Happy holidays…

  17. charmaine says:

    merry xmas
    how r u well this wil b my last comment to u until after xmas as xmas nite i will b drinkin and wont b home 

    PS: Love came down at Christmas;Love all lovely, love divine;Love was born at Christmas,Stars and angels gave the sign.
    Unless we make Christmas an occasion to share our blessings, all the snow in Alaska won\’t make it "white".
    *love**love* *love* *love* *love*you*love* *love*you*love* *love*you*love* ……*love**you* …*love*…..*love*.*love*………*love* *love*………..*love* *love*………..*love*.*love*………*love* …*love*…..*love* ……*love**you* *love*……………*love*.*love*………….*love*..*love*………..*love* …*love*………*love*….*love*…….*love*…..*love*…..*love* ……*love*…*love* …….*love***you* ……..*love**you* *love**you**love* *love**you**love *love* *love* *love**you**love* *love**you**love* *love**love**love**you**love**love**you**love*
    """"If A Fat Guy Grabs U and puts u in a bag, don\’t worry I told Santa i wanted u 4 Christmas!Send this to 10 people u care about including me!
    1-3= Not So Loving..
    5-6=People like you
    6-7= People luv you
    8-9= DAmn People ADORE you
    from char

  18. Penny says:

    Hope you all got what you wished for at Christmas , here is small new years gift for you , wishing you all the best for 2007

  19. Prenin says:

    Happy New Year darlin\’! :o)
    Love and huggles always!

  20. john says:


  21. Unknown says:

    hi there iv come to invite you to my new space birthday listings would love to have you
    are you havin trouble viewin your space are you getting redirected if so remove your song from fileloge they are down and are creating problems

  22. NEWTON says:

    im back you are gettin redirected to another web site when you go to view your space
    you do have your music hosted at filelodge
    if you say yes to the above what you must do is host your music somewhere eles
    i m using fileden

    just go here and host your music its free and then use your fileden url things should be fine

  23. NEWTON says:

    no comments sence the 4th

  24. NEWTON says:

    ok im back just wanted to verify it this is what your playin in your media player
    its fileloge i turned off your music to make sure that it now i can view your space if you remove it all will be fine

  25. Iris says:

    Hi Margret, I hope that you are feeling ok.
    Belated Birthday Greetings *>:-)

    —————- ()–()–()–()
    —————- ||–||–||–||————–{*~*~*~*~*~*}——–@@@@@@@@@@@@@——- {~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~}—-@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@— {~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~}— {~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~}— {~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~}— @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@——————–)———(————_____,———–,___———–___HAPPY BIRTHDAY!____
    ~Iris xoxo

  26. Prenin says:

    Hi sweety! :o)
    Just dropping by to say hi and hope all is well with you!
    Love and huggles:

  27. KATIA says:


    Hi there!!!
    I missed your birthday party but it\’s still time to wish you a great new year in your life!!!!
    I came in today to bring you a fantastic art performance from Jerome Murat
    If you never saw this, be sure you will never forget. The end part is so so so incredible.
    And the message is trully deep. I hope you like it!

    Click here:  French man and a beautiful amazing performance
    See you

  28. Michael says:

    Hi Margaret,
     Just stopping by to wish you a nice weekend.
     Have a good one.

  29. Penny says:

    if you think ive helped you with your space can u pop  along to gaylens  space

    and vote for me plz  thank you  xxxx

  30. Penny says:

    Thank you for voting for me at Gaylene\’s space here is a little something for you as a way of saying thank you

  31. Penny says:

    Have a great weekend and if you have voted for me on Gaylenes space thank you if you aint why not lol …. Here is a small gift for you CLICK HERE!

  32. Penny says:

    hiya  this is pennyplops  i have had to get a new space my old one wont let me in to do anything so as i have you down on friends list my new space address is if you have link to my space on your space please change it my new space is not finished yet but id like to see you on it as a friend thanks penny (

  33. Bombshell says:

    hi just popping by to wish you a great day hugs maureen xxx

  34. Michael says:

    Hi Margaret,
     Wanted to wish you a nice Valentines day coming up.
    Take care,

  35. Prenin says:

    Hi sweety! :o)
    Hope your life is better – I worry about you my friend!!!! :o)
    Loveand huggles:

  36. Prenin says:

    Sorryto hear you are unwell hun.
    Get well soon and take care!!!
    Love and huggles:

  37. TESS says:

      a little v day gift for you hun …hugs tess<DIV></DIV><P align=center><A href=""><IMG alt="sexy &amp; romantic glitter graphics myspace code sexy images" src="; border=0></A><BR><BR></P>

  38. Prenin says:

    Happy Valentine\’s day sweetheart!!! :o)
    Love and huggles:

  39. john says:

         <a href="; target="_blank"><img src="; border="0" alt="Photobucket – Video and Image Hosting"></a>

  40. Jim says:




    *╭╮ ╭╮  ╭╮
     ││ ││  │└╮
    │ ﹋ ﹋ │   ╭─────────╮
    │ ∩ ∩ │ ╭╮│  我來祝你新年快樂 │
    │  ▽  │O╰╯╰─────────╯


    祝      福

  41. Penny says:

    please join in and make new friends  and say hello to old ones
    <a href="; target="_blank"><img src=";
    border="0" alt="Photobucket – Video and Image Hosting"></a>

  42. Anne-Marie says:

    Hello Margaret,Just stopping by to wish you a great week. Hope youhad a lovely weekend. Here is a little pic, maybe it tellsa little about how you may feel after "fighting" withthe snow for some hours… he I have to do this days a nice week and take care
                                       (¯`v´¯)                                     `•¸.•´    Hugs,                                    ¸.•´¸.•´¨) ¸.•*¨)                                   (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´¸♥ ANNE ♥ ¸.•´¯`•

  43. Bombshell says:

     So today is the 26th feb so its SEND A MESSAGE DAY the idea is Penny\’s
    she thought seeing that comments have slowed down maybe this will get spacers to get into the swing of things again i think its a
    lovely idea you visit 5 spaces and leave a message it can be people you know or new spaces hope you carry it on.
    (¯`v´¯)`*.¸.*´¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•_____****__________**** __________***____***____***__ *** ______***________****_______***____***__________**_________***___***_____________________***___***________JUST_________***____***_____SHOWING______***______***______LOVE_______***________***_______________***___________***___________***_______________***_______***___________________***___***_______________________*****__________________________***____________________________*_______________
    have a great day, hugs maureen xxx

  44. Betsy says:

    Hi there, Just a blogg jumping to my friends to say thanks for still wanted to be my friends , and to give you a gift , just to say thanks for your friendship. I have made a new tags without using tutorials , It is fun to try something new.
    Please visit me ( just follow the link where I came from to you).This is the first time I visit you from my new Space friends list in my new homepage. Hope you find the time to visit my new homepage , I have updated Saturday. ( Just follow the link bellow, it opens in a new window)
    Hope you have a good time, Hope you will tell me if you like the gift and tell me if the link works. I wish you a great week. Love and hugs from Betsy
    <P align=center><A href=""><IMG alt="Gift from Betsy" hspace=4 src="; border=0></A></P>

  45. Anne-Marie says:

    Hello Margaret,It`s me "running" around to my friends to say HIand  give you a little weekend pressie 🙂

    ———-.—-. —— _."__ —`. –.–(#)(##)—/#\\\\\\\\ ." @————/###\\\\\\\\ :————,–##### –`-..__.-"_.–\\\\\\\\###/ ——–`;_:– —`"" ——-.""""""`. Wish you a LOVELY WEEKEND—–/, ——- ,\\\\\\\\ —-//FRIEND \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ —-`-.______.-" — ___`. | .´"___ -(______|______)
                                      (¯`v´¯)                                     `·¸.·´  Hugs,                                    ¸.·´¸.·´¨) ¸.·*¨)                                   (¸.·´ (¸.·´ .·´¸  ♥ ANNE ♥ ¸.·´¯`·

  46. Penny says:

    heres wishing you a great easter . ive got a busy one laying new wooden floors  and decorating lol but it will be nice when its  finished 
    here is  easter gift for you

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