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Now that you have had a chance to read about whats in that demon fag, and you still cannot or won’t decide to stop smoking, think of what your smoke is doing to others around you. Others being, your children for one, your pets, your workmates and staff working in restaurants, pubs, hotels, cafes, etc.  Mind you when the ban comes in, a lot of people will benefit, but you are still left with the people that should matter to you most, your children.


According to Cancer Research UK, passive smokers are 20 to 30 per cent more likely to develop lung cancer than people not exposed to smoke, with several hundred deaths occurring as a direct result in the UK each year.

Second-hand smoke is harmful and hazardous to the health of the general public, and particularly dangerous to children. It increases the risk of serious respiratory problems in children, such as a greater number and severity of asthma attacks and lower respiratory infections, and increases the risk for middle ear infections. There is also the risk of  coronary heart disease in non-smoking adults.


In 2005, it was estimated that exposure to second-hand smoke killed approximately 46,000 adults non-smokers from coronary heart disease, more than 3,000 from cancer of the lung and an estimated 430 newborns from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

In the long term, passive smoking could cause lung cancer amongst healthy non-smokers. It is estimated that people who have never smoked and live with a smoker have a 25% increase in the risk of developing lung cancer compared with people who have never smoked and live with a non-smoker. 


Infants and young children are more sensitive than adults to the effects of cigarette smoke. Children exposed to cigarette smoke have a greater frequency of sore and/or watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, asthma, chest tightening, wheezing, slower lung growth and decreased lung function. These children are also more likely to suffer from respiratory infections such as pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, ear infection, tonsillitis and sinusitis.


A 28 Year Old Waitresses Tale

“I started smoking when I was in high school due to peer pressure. I started to smoke only because I wanted to be a “somebody”. I got married in 1998 and my husband did not seem to bother about my smoking habit.

“In 1999, I was pregnant with my first child and thought that it was not necessary for me to quit smoking even though I was pregnant. My daughter was born almost perfect and her birth was without complications. This further enforced my self-delusion that smoking cannot harm my family, despite what everyone else said.


However, during my second pregnancy, I still didn’t want to stop, even after doctors advised me against lighting up. The ‘best’ part was, I began to smoke even more due to stress.

“Then everything changed when I was seven months pregnant. My baby girl was born prematurely. She was so tiny! The doctors put her on a life support system as her lungs were not fully developed. Her heart was beating irregularly and the nurse told us to prepare for the worst.

“The nurse explained that my smoking habit had increased the risk of my baby’s premature birth, probably also harming the foetus in the womb. From that moment on, I knew that I had to quit smoking. I could not bear the thought that I could have been the primary cause of my child’s death.

“By some miracle, my second daughter survived and I am grateful to have been spared the guilt of having ‘murdered’ my own daughter. I took it upon myself to quit. Immediately!

According to the World Health Organization, children’s passive smoking increases their risk of developing heart disease and cancer as an adult. In some children, it may also be a contributing factor in learning and language difficulties, and behavioural problems.

If a mother smokes during pregnancy, the unborn child is exposed to the same high levels of poisons as the mother. Evidence shows that smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage, baby not growing well in the womb, low birth weight baby, stillborn, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and illness in early infancy.

Children cannot choose not to inhale nor resist this dangerous cigarette smoke from the smokers as they receive it involuntarily.

Passive smoking induces similar health damaging effects as active smoking. In fact, studies indicate that passive smoking is more harmful than active smoking. Children face higher health risks as compared to adults. They are more sensitive to smoke as their bodies are still growing and developing.  Children exposed to tobacco smoke at home develop asthma, cough, feelings of dizziness, headache, and poor concentration at double the rate. Their sleep disturbances also triple.

Opening a window in a room or in the car cannot protect your child from passive smoking. Even smoking outside your house doesn’t provide any insurance for your child. The only sensible way is to quit smoking completely. This will remove almost all dangers on your child.

Many people are not aware of the harmful effects of passive smoking. Pro-smoking lobby groups claim that second hand smoking poses no danger at all. However, evidences show that passive smoke can dent your children’s health.


Quitting smoking can give your children’s health a good start.


So, the next time you want to smoke, look around you. Are there any babies or children? Do you want to harm them with your cigarette smoke? Don’t be selfish!!!!

Quit smoking Today!! for the sake of your loved ones.


Smoke damage links – babies



Other info links








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16 Responses to SECOND HAND SMOKE

  1. Anne-Marie says:

    Hello Margaret, Stopping by to see how you are doing.  Hope you had alovely weekend. Wish you a great week and a Happy Easter. Here comes a little Easter greeting from me:                                     _______****__________**** ______****__**_______**___**** _____**__**__ *_______*___**___** ____**___***__*______*__**__***__** ___*__**____**__*____*__**_____**__* ____**______**_**__**_**________**            HAPPY    **___**__**  EASTER                       *___________*                      *_____________*                    *____0_____0____*                    *_______@_______*                    *_______________*                        *_____♡_____*                            **_____**May your eggs be filled with chocolate and candy,may your days be filled with love and happieness.
     Love & Hugs from                                                                                           ¸.•*♥`*•.¸ANNE¸.•*♥`*•.¸

  2. Penny says:

    its freedom of choice old woman stop fucking going on nag nag nag if i want to smoke i will and you nor anyone else will stop me

  3. Bombshell says:

    hi, thank you for the lovely comment, i hope your right because i have never in my life felt so low, i miss him so much, i feel i can\’t live my life without him, its going to take me a long time to get over him if i ever do that is, its nice to have friends that i can talk to though, and thank you so much for the easter bunny i have saved it to my pictures. am going finding that for all seasons now, thank you so much. i hope you have a lovely day. hugs maureen xxxx

  4. carole says:

    Hi Margaret. Long time no ……!
    Although I am partial to the occasional smoke, I totally agree with what you\’re saying. In the soon to be defunct smoking shelter the other day at work there was a patient with her two young grandchildren. YUK! I actually put my ciggie out half finished & walked off. Shame the person who thinks smoking is a right hasn\’t got the balls to put their name to the comment that they so politely left you.
    Have a good Easter. x

  5. Penny says:

    thers like a little mark at the left hand side of your  picture u click on that to delete the comment ..  thank you so much for your  easter gift  xxxx

  6. Penny says:

    just doing my duty and popping around to see that you are all ok  and to just say a quick hello
    heres a small gift i made for you

  7. Margaret says:

    To the nagging grannys comment person this blog is to aid those who may find it a struggle when the ban is exercised in England in July.  While they struggle to  find somewhere to smoke, this may be the time to think about trying to stop.  Of course everyone has the freedom to choose.  I did and through smoking I have a terminal disease.  Wish I knew what I know now when I was your age.  Still you will no doubt find out in the future.  Enjoy your smoking where ever you can . I maybe an old woman but young at heart and make the best I can of life now.  By the way, forgot to tell you, I am now on oxygen 24 hours a day.I gave up smoking in 2002. Hope you come back and read this.

  8. Prenin says:

    Hi sweetheart! :o)
    Thanks for visiting – and as for the gutless scumbag who loves his ciggies  so much: I have buried four good friends due to their smoking habit and fully expect to lose a fifth next year despite the best efforts of Christies.
    Enjoy your selfish, self-centered habit dude. Death\’ll be seeing you real soon…

  9. Michael says:

    Hi Margaret!
     I enjoyed seeing your pictures of Dundee in your photos. Especially the castles!
     Thanks so much for the present. Love those bunnies! I am leaving one for you also.
     Well, not much going on here in Plantersville of late. Just going to work and coming home mostly. Though I do get out occationally on the Harley for a little ride in the country.
     I\’ve read your entry on smoking, and want you  to know I don\’t smoke cigarettes at all. Almost everyone else in my family did as I was growing up. Which is probably why I don\’t since I choked to death in those closed up automobiles!
     I do have a couple of cigars a year, but don\’t hold it against me!  :o) 
     Have a happy Easter,
     It was good hearing from you.

  10. john says:

    <a href="; target="_blank"><img src="; border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>
    <a href="; target="_blank"><img src="; border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

  11. debbie says:

    Hi Margaret
    Its great to see you keeping up the anti smoking campaign.
    Thanks for stopping by to give me an Easter gift
    Here is a little one for you too

    have a great Easter
    Love Debbie xx

  12. debbie says:

    me again
    Ive just seen the nagging grannys comment – ignore it – you are doing a great job – keep it up for the sake of those of us who dont want to die of smoking related illnesses !
    Debbie x

  13. Betsy says:

    I am just doing some space jumping to my friends ,To say thanks to all of you who have give me lovely comments and gifts.
    I have been away from home in over 1 week now , so it is nice to be back again. And I am so happy to find so many lovely comments and gifts from my friends. It warms my heart. So an important message , I have deleted 2 of my 3 guest book (Not the 2 music requests books) .I hope I have saved all you lovely gifts from the guest books that I deleted, But if you don’t see you gift in my guest book or in my album, please let me know. Now I only use my html guest book in This allows html,. So if you want to give me a gift, and you put the right html code, You can see the gift you give to me. I will give you a tutorials picture for this code. Just a simple one I have made. Some of you know how this works already, but I just wanted everyone to know how. This html code is also linking back to your space or homepage. So remember that no space between the html line, I couldn’t place the whole html on one line , because if the width of the picture.
    My new guest book is linked in this picture code. An of course , you can also write normal words in it. I do hope you understand my English, and I hope I have spelled the words correct.. And great thanks for all the lovely gifts and comments to me.
    My new Guest book
    A tutorials picture with html code to use to see your gift in my guest book
    ╬♥═╬ ╬═♥╬ Sorry for maybe deleted╬♥═╬ some of your comments╬═♥╬ When I deleted my 2 old guest books╬♥═╬ wishing a great week! ╬═♥╬ Lots of love╬♥═╬ from╬═♥╬ ╬♥═╬ Betsy ♥ !!!╬═♥╬

  14. Bombshell says:

    hi margaret, that wasn\’t a very nice comment from nagging granny some people don\’t care just let them get on with it. i hope you have had a lovely easter weekend, the card was lovely thank you. have a nice day hugs maureen xxxx

  15. Bev says:

    Hi Margaret,
    It\’s been quite a while since I\’ve been here on spaces.  With so much work these last couple of months, it hasn\’t let me too much time to blog.  Many thanks for your easter gift and message.  I will save it in my holiday album.  Hope you are well and have had a wonderful easter weekend.  Hope your week is wonderful and I wish you a wonderful weekend ahead.  Take care.

    Love, Peace, Happiness

  16. Anne-Marie says:

    Hello Margaret,Sorry for not visiting for a while, but I have been busy with workand a lot to do at home too. Hope you are doing well my friend. Wish you a lovely weekend. Enjoy spring and take care.
    Love and hugs from

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